Protecting Payroll Data: Practical Steps For Your Business

Protecting Payroll Data: Practical Steps For Your Business Facebook Twitter LinkedIn A cybercrime is reported in Australia every six minutes according to new data published by the Australian Signals Directorate, and the SME sector is especially vulnerable.  During the 2022-23 financial year the cost of cybercrime to businesses increased by 14%. Per cybercrime report, small […]

Mistakes To Avoid When Registering For An ABN

Mistakes To Avoid When Registering For An ABN Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Registering for an Australian Business Number (ABN) is an essential step for anyone doing business in Australia. It can be an exciting time if you’re at the beginning of your business journey. But even for established businesses or experienced operators, there can be a […]

What You Need To Know When You Start A New Business

Starting A New Business – What You Need To Know Embarking on the entrepreneurial path can be both exciting and daunting. To transform your business idea into a thriving reality, you need more than just passion and ambition; you need guidance and expertise. The “Starting a Business: What You Need to Know” e-Guide is tailored […]

Take The Leap: Why 2023-24 Is The Perfect Time To Start Your Business

It’s been a dream, an ambition, a burning passion – the idea of running your own business. There are approximately 2.5 million small businesses in Australia built by dreamers and doers who had an idea and made it a reality. Each year they collectively contribute more than $5 billion to Australia’s GDP. What’s stopping you […]

Use these Strategies for getting paid faster

Cash flow is the life blood of any small business and managing it is the most important task of any small business owner. In an environment of rising labour and energy costs, together with other inflationary cost pressures, it has never been more important for small businesses optimise every aspect of their cash flow management. […]

The importance of a Strong Toolkit and Dashboard to Manage Cash Flow

Managing Cash Flow

Managing business cash flow is undoubtedly the most significant challenge that small business owners face. Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and managing it effectively is essential for business success. In the current business climate, with price inflation leading to higher costs, managing cash flow has never been more critical. In this article, […]

23/24 Federal Budget – what you need to know as a SME business owner 

2023-2024 Federal Budget – what you need to know as a SME business owner

The Treasurer, Jim Chalmers, has handed down the 2023-2024 federal budget with a raft of measures that will impact small businesses in Australia. The key points you need to know are below: Small businesses and households will be eligible for up to $1.5 billion in energy bill rebates. Business rebates will be capped at $650 […]

Don’t Get Scammed: Protect Your Business and Profits

Don’t lose cash from your business to scammers  The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has just released its report, Targeting Scams 2022, in which it reported that Australian businesses lost $23.3m in scam losses across 2022 with Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) suffering most of these losses.  $13.6m in total was scammed from […]

Five New (Financial) Year Resolutions for 2023-24

The new financial year is upon us and if you’re a business owner it can be either exciting – or daunting. With tough economic circumstances tipped to continue, rising costs and business confidence still at a plateau, what are the practical things small business owners can do to protect and grow their business in the […]

Quick Guide to the 2023 Federal Budget

Quick Guide to the 2023 Federal Budget The Federal Budget for 2023-2024 has been announced and there is a raft of measures that will impact small businesses across Australia. Download our quick e-guide to get up to speed on what this means for you as a small business owner Download your free guide now What’s […]