15 August 2024
Navigating vehicle deductions can be challenging. From differentiating between business and personal mileage to avoiding common mistakes like underreporting or misinterpreting tax rules, there are many potential pitfalls.
Knowing what you can claim—and how to properly document those claims—can make a significant difference in your tax outcomes. Let’s explore the key points to help you maximise your small business’s vehicle expense deductions.
Before diving into specific deductions, it’s crucial to differentiate between business and personal use of your vehicle. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is strict about separating these expenses. Only the portion of your vehicle use that relates to business activities is deductible.
To accurately track this, maintaining a logbook is essential. Your logbook should record the date, the purpose of the trip, the distance travelled, and the vehicle’s odometer readings. This documentation will corroborate your claims and keep you compliant with ATO regulations.
1. Fuel and Oil Costs
2. Maintenance and Repairs
3. Depreciation
4. Loan Interest and Lease Payments
5. Insurance
6. Registration and Licenses
Here are the primary methods available:
1. Cents per Kilometre Method
2. Logbook Method
3. Actual Costs Method
Quick Tip: Tax laws and regulations can change, so it’s always a good idea to consult with a qualified tax professional when calculating tax deductions related to your vehicles.
Incomplete Records
Failing to maintain accurate records can lead to rejected claims or even penalties. Make sure you keep a detailed logbook that records the date, destination, purpose, and mileage for each business trip.
What you can do:
Overestimating the percentage of your vehicle’s use for business purposes can attract unwanted attention from the ATO and result in audits. Be honest and precise. Calculate the actual percentage of business use based on your logbook entries and apply this accurately to your expense claims.
What you can do:
Minor expenses such as parking fees and tolls are often overlooked, yet they can accumulate over time and contribute significantly to your overall deductions. These small amounts are just as valid as larger expenses and should be meticulously recorded and claimed.
What you can do:
Tax laws and regulations frequently change, impacting what and how you can claim. Staying updated on these changes is crucial to maximising your deductions. Consider consulting with an accountant to ensure you’re always compliant and making the most of your entitled deductions.
Want to know more about how to maximise your business vehicle deductions? Download our free Guide.
*Retinue’s (ABN 66 658 618 449) payroll service includes the processing of hours and wages rates provided by you. We do not determine award rates for your employees or provide advice on the correct employment status of your employees. It is your responsibility to ensure that your employees are paid correctly and we recommend obtaining advice from specialised employment relations experts.
Protection is only provided for ATO investigations notified to us during the period which you are a client and relating to any tax returns or lodgements prepared by us. Fines includes any penalties and interest that may result from any errors made by us but does not include any additional tax liability that may result from an amended lodgement.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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