Top Tax Deductions Every Small Business Owner Should Know

9 August 2024


As a small business owner, understanding how to maximise your tax deductions can have a significant impact on your bottom line. When your business-related expenses are well-documented, you’re eligible to claim deductions that can help reduce your taxable income.  

In this article, we’ll explore the top tax deductions every small business owner should be familiar with, helping you to strengthen your financial position and make the most of your business’s potential. 

Instant Asset Write-Off  

The Australian Government’s Instant Asset Write-Off allows small businesses with a turnover of less than $10 million to immediately deduct the full cost of eligible assets under $20,000. This applies to assets installed or ready for use between 1 July 2024 and 30 June 2025. This deduction makes it easier for businesses to invest in necessary equipment and technology without waiting for long depreciation periods.  

Investing in new assets can boost productivity and efficiency, making it a smart move for growth-oriented businesses. Consider evaluating your current assets and planning for future acquisitions to take full advantage of this write-off. 

Related: Download our free guide to the Instant Asset Write Off 


Claiming Depreciation  

For assets that don’t qualify for the instant asset write-off, depreciation allows businesses to deduct the cost of an asset over its useful life. Understanding and applying the correct depreciation methods can optimise tax deductions.  

There are different methods of depreciation, such as the diminishing value method and the prime cost method—each suitable for different types of assets. A professional can help you choose the most beneficial approach for your business. 

Sustainable Energy Incentive 

To encourage sustainability, the Energy Incentive provides an additional 20% deduction on expenditures for electrification and energy-efficient upgrades for businesses with a turnover under $50 million. Eligible expenses include heating systems and renewable energy installations, with a maximum bonus deduction of $20,000. This incentive not only reduces operational costs but also promotes environmental responsibility.  

Consider speaking with an expert to determine which energy-efficient upgrades qualify and how to incorporate them into your tax planning. Implementing energy-efficient solutions can also help with long-term savings on utility bills. 

Eligible Prepayments  

Prepaying expenses before the end of the financial year (30 June) can boost your deductions for that year. Eligible expenses include annual insurance premiums, utility bills, and professional subscriptions. This strategy allows you to bring forward deductions, optimising your tax position.  

Evaluate your upcoming expenses and consider prepaying where possible to take advantage of this deduction. By prepaying expenses, you can manage your cash flow more effectively and potentially lower your taxable income for the current year. 

Financial Charges and Loan Interest 

Interest and fees from business accounts and loans are deductible expenses. These deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income. 

As always, keeping accurate records of all business-related financial transactions is crucial for maximising these deductions. Regularly reviewing your financial statements and working with an accountant can help you identify all deductible charges and ensure you’re not missing out on potential savings. 

Home Office Tax Benefits 

With the rise of remote work, many small business owners operate from home. Home office expenses, such as a portion of rent, utilities, and internet costs, are deductible. To claim these expenses, ensure they are directly related to your business operations and keep detailed records of all costs.  

The ATO has specific methods for calculating home office expenses, including the fixed rate method and the actual cost method. Choosing the right method can make a significant difference in your deductions. 

Business Travel Claims 

When you or your employees travel for business purposes, travel-related expenses like airfares, accommodation, and meal costs are deductible. Overnight travel costs can be claimed, but keep in mind that some employee travel expenses might attract fringe benefits tax.  

Detailed records of travel expenses are necessary for claiming these deductions. Plan your business trips carefully and maintain comprehensive documentation to support your claims. Keeping a travel diary is an efficient way to help track expenses on these trips. 

Personal Super Contributions  

Small business owners can claim deductions on personal super contributions, subject to eligibility criteria. This not only optimises tax outcomes but also helps in building retirement savings. Understanding the rules around super contributions is essential for using this benefit.  

Contributing to your superannuation can also provide peace of mind for your future financial security. It’s advisable to regularly review your super contributions and consult with an industry expert to ensure you’re making the most of this deduction. 

Deductible Banking Costs 

Individually, bank fees may seem negligible. Collectively, they can take a toll on small business’s finances. If your business incurs bank fees or interest on loans, these costs are deductible. This includes charges on business credit cards and interest on small business loans. Keeping track of all banking-related expenses and ensuring they’re recorded accurately can lead to substantial savings over time. 

Educational Investment Deduction 

Continual learning is key to staying competitive. Self-education expenses, including courses, seminars, and professional subscriptions, could be deductible. These investments in knowledge and skills can drive business growth while reducing taxable income.  

Whether you’re upgrading your skills or investing in employee training, these deductions can support your long-term business success. Consider setting aside a budget for continuous education and professional development to keep your business at the forefront of your industry. 


Be in The Know 

Maximising your tax deductions isn’t just about numbers; it requires a keen understanding of tax regulations, which can often slip under the radar for small business owners. That’s where having knowledgeable professionals like Retinue comes into play. We stay updated on the latest tax laws and regulations. So, you never miss an opportunity for tax savings.  

Let us be your trusted tax adviser. We can guide you to strategically claim deductions and achieve financial efficiency for your small business. Call us on 1800 861 566 to get started. 

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