Job perks - most businesses offer them and employees love them. From discounted products and free meals to gym memberships and accommodation, these common employee benefits are a great way to reward, retain, recognise and attract staff beyond standard salary and wages.
But they are also known as Fringe Benefits and can catch the eye of the Australian Tax Office.
Understanding, calculating and reporting Fringe Benefits Tax can be a confusing process for small businesses. In this eGuide we demystify FBT to make sure you're compliant and meeting all of your FBT reporting obligations.
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*Retinue’s (ABN 66 658 618 449) payroll service includes the processing of hours and wages rates provided by you. We do not determine award rates for your employees or provide advice on the correct employment status of your employees. It is your responsibility to ensure that your employees are paid correctly and we recommend obtaining advice from specialised employment relations experts.
Protection is only provided for ATO investigations notified to us during the period which you are a client and relating to any tax returns or lodgements prepared by us. Fines includes any penalties and interest that may result from any errors made by us but does not include any additional tax liability that may result from an amended lodgement.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
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